Difference between recruitment and selection

Table of Contents:-

  • Difference between recruitment and selection
  • What is difference between recruitment and selection?
  • Meaning of Recruitment
  • Definition of Recruitment
  • Meaning of Selection
  • Definition of Selection

Difference between recruitment and selection

Both recruitment and selection constitute the two phases of the employment process. The difference between recruitment and selection is as follows:

1. Recruitment involves searching for candidates to employ and motivating them to apply for the organization’s jobs. In contrast, selection involves a series of steps through which candidates are screened to choose the most suitable individuals for vacant positions.

2. The primary purpose of recruitment is to establish a talent pool of candidates, facilitating the selection of the best candidates for the organization by attracting more applicants. Conversely, the primary purpose of the selection process is to choose a suitable candidate to fill vacant positions within the organization.

3. Recruitment encourages a higher number of candidates to apply, whereas selection involves the rejection of unsuitable candidates.

4. Recruitment focuses on collecting sources of human resources, while selection is concerned with choosing the most suitable candidates through various interviews and tests.

5. Recruitment does not entail a contractual agreement, whereas selection results in a contract of services between the employer and the selected candidate.

What is difference between recruitment and selection?

The difference between recruitment and selection is based on their focus. Recruitment is centred on attracting and motivating candidates, whereas selection concerns screening and choosing the most suitable individuals for specific roles. Recruitment vs selection can be understood from the following points:

Basis of Difference Recruitment


Approach Recruitment adopts a positive approach, wherein companies actively encourage candidates to apply for open positions.

Selection employs a negative approach, wherein companies reject candidates who are unfit for the job.

Meaning  Recruitment is an activity of searching for potential candidates and encouraging them to apply. Selection is the activity of selecting the best candidates and offering them the job.
Nature The recruitment process is positive. The selection process is negative.
Number of candidates During recruitment, the number of candidates increases. During the selection stage, the number of candidates decreases.
Objective Recruitment aims to attract a maximum number of candidates so that more suitable options are available. The objective of selection is to choose the best out of the available candidates.
Sequence  First, It always precedes the selection Second, It always succeeds the recruitment.
Process Recruitment adopts the purpose of creating an application pool as large as possible and therefore, it is known as a positive process. Selection adopts the purpose through which more and more unfit candidates are rejected, fewer candidates are selected, or sometimes, not even a single candidate is selected. Therefore, it is known as a rejection process or a negative process.
Time/ Duration  Less time is required(less time-consuming). More time is required(more time-consuming).
Techniques Recruitment techniques are not very intensive and do not require highly specific skills. In the selection process, favourably specialised techniques are required. Only personnel with specific skills, like expertise in using selection tests, conducting interviews, etc., are involved in the selection process.


Economical Expensive

Contract of service

It does not result in any kind of service contract. It leads to a service contract between the employer and the selected candidate.
Difficulty Level The difficulty level is simple and easy It has complex and complicated levels.
Outcome The recruitment outcome is the application pool, which becomes input for the selection process. The outcome of the selection process is in the form of finalising candidates for the job that will be offered.

Meaning of Recruitment

Recruiting is the discovery of potential applicants for anticipated or actual organisational vacancies. It makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people required to ensure the organisation’s continued operation. In simple terms, it is an attempt to draw the attention of applicants in the market, get interested applicants, and generate a pool of prospective employees so that the management can select the suitable person for the right job.

The employee recruitment process is one of the most critical aspects of running a successful business. Because every organisation’s performance mainly depends on the quality of its workers, those that effectively manage various functions are the best for it. Although training and intensive supervision can transform some undesirable employees, recruiting individuals who are already capable and enthusiastic is preferable. Managers can save time, energy, and aggravation by placing the right person in the correct position. Thus, a business owner or manager should recruit good employees to address critical business needs.

Definition of Recruitment

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation”.

According to Dale Yoder, “Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force”.

According to Barber, “Recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”.

Meaning of Selection

Selection is the process of choosing individuals (out of the pool of job candidates) with the requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organisation. It is the process of examining the applicants’ suitability for the given job or choosing the best from the suitable candidates and rejecting the others.

Thus, the selection is negative in its application as it seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants as possible to identify suitable candidates.

Definition of Selection

According to Terrie Nolinske, “Selection is the process of making a hire or no-hire decision regarding each applicant for a job”.

Dale Yoder states, “Selection is the process by which candidates for employment are divided into two classes those who will be offered employment and those who will not”.

According to Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, “Selection is a series of steps from initial applicant screening to final hiring of the new employee”.

Steven P. Robbins and Mary Coulter state, “Selection is the process of screening job applications to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired”.

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