14 principles of management is a top-down approach to help managers get the best from their employees and run the business with efficiency

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Henri Fayol, a French industrial theorist developed a set of guidelines known as 14 principles of management.

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Division of Work

Breaking down of complex task into smaller sections, specialized jobs can improve efficiency and productivity.

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Authority and Responsibility

Managers must have the authority to give orders, and employees must be responsibe to carry them out.

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Good supervision is the base of the discipline. Every employee must clearly understand what is expected from them and the consequences of failing to meet them.

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Unity of Command

Chain of command  clarity is must in an organisations to ensure employees receive and report to one supervisor to  avoid duality of information.

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Unity of Direction

All employees should work together in harmony towards the same objective, using one plan, under the direction of one manager.

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Subordination of Individual Interests to General Interest

An organization must provide job security to its employees to ensure they last a long time and minimize staff turnover.

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Employees should work unitedly towards the interest of a company rather than personal interest. More importance should be given to the work than personal issues.

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Centralization and Decentralization

There should be a balance of centralization and decentralization.

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  Centralisation involves the power of decision-making in the hands of top authority.

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Decentralization involves the distribution of job authority to all levels of management.

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Scalar Chain

It refers to a clear chain of command from top to the lowest  level. An organizational chart should be drawn out for employees.

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A clear and  orderly placement of resources (manpower, money, materials, etc) can improve efficiency, productivity and safety in the workplace.

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A clear and  orderly placement of resources (manpower, money, materials, etc) can improve efficiency, productivity and safety in the workplace.


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An organization must provide job security to its employees to ensure they last a long time in their positions and minimize staff turnover.

Stability of Tenure of Personnel

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The management should support and encourage the employees to take initiative and be creative in their work.


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Teamwork and a sense of unity among employees can lead to a positive outcome and work environment which may help to achieve organizational goals.

Esprit de Corps

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